URLgenius Case Study: Snapchat Deep Linking

Tarte Cosmetics Tarte Cosmeticsis the award winning beauty brand known for high-performance naturalsTM and skinvigoratingTM ingredients. This cutting edge beauty company is quickly growing a loyal following across social networks. When the Tarte Cosmetics first launched their Snapchat presence, they needed a way to quickly capitalize on their massive opt-in email list by linking from their email campaigns to their Snapchat profile while tracking app opens across iOS and Android. They also wanted to measure their efforts by leveraging Google Analytics.

Snapchat Deep Linking Challenges

The back-to-school and holiday season were quickly approaching presenting big opportunities for Snapchat engagement. The marketing team needed a solution that could be implemented immediately without any technical resources. In addition, the team was not sure what percentage of their audience used Snapchat, so they needed to establish a baseline app-open rate to understand their progress over time. Placing the Tarte Cosmetics Snapchat profile link in their email template by itself would not provide any app-open information for iOS or Android. In addition, they also wanted to know the referring URL or geography information which would helpful to understand where their Snapchat users were concentrated.

Snapchat Deep Linking Solution Requirements

A resourceful Tarte Marketing Manager determined that a mobile app deep linking solution would provide these capabilities. Any deep linking solution that required development resources was not considered. The solution simply needed to detect and open the Snapchat app for Android and iOS from the same marketing link while supporting Google Analytics parameters. In addition, a significant percentage of the audience would not have the Snapchat app installed but might be inspired to try Snapchat in order to follow the company. These consumers need to be taken to the Google Play or iTunes app store. Lastly, the marketing manager needed to test and scale the solution immediately.

The Solution: URLgenius Snapchat Deep Linking
A Tarte Cosmetics marketing manager discovered URLgenius Snapchat deep linking. The URLgenius link opened the Snapchat app from any iOS or Android device while clicking through on desktop.

”We gained thousands of followers in our first use of the product! We love the URLgenius platform and we’re planning to roll out the platform as a permanent part of our email template strategy.”– Cosmetics Marketing Manager

The Results: Tarte Cosmetics URLgenius Deep Linking for Snapchat

The link was immediately deployed behind the Snapchat icon in the Tarte Cosmetics email campaign. The results were immediate as Tarte gained thousands of followers in their first use of URLgenius. URlgenius enabled Tarte to track Snapchat app-opens and discovered what percentage of their audience clicking on the link had the Snapchat app installed across iOS and Android. Moving forward, Tarte now plans to expand their use of the URLgenius platform and make it a permanent part of their marketing operations as they grow their fan base across social channels. Follow the steps below to create a URLgenius link to your Snapchat profile.

Step-by-Step: URLgenius Snapchat Deep Linking

Best Practice: update all your social profile links using similar steps.

Where to use your URLgenius Snapchat link:

Best Practice: append your web or channel analytics UTM parameters for tracking (Google Analytics, Omniture, Kenshoo etc.)

URLgenius Deep Linking Metrics for Snapchat

You can login to your URLgenius dashboard at any time to understand how often your link is opening the Snapchat app.

Make sure to update your profile links in the same way for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Messenger, Telegram and even Amazon and other shopping apps. We can even add your brand app to the URLgenius platform!

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