Deep Linking to Facebook Messenger from Your Website and Other Channels

Facebook Messenger App Deep Linking with URLgenius The Rise of Facebook Messenger and How Deep Linking to Your Brand Profile Increases Followers

Facebook Messenger now has over 1 billion users according to Dataportal. It took Facebook four years to reach that milestone after releasing Messenger as a seperate app from Facebook. WhatsApp, another messaging app which Facebook acquired in 2014, took seven years to reach 1 billion MAUs.

Advertisers are now jumping on the Messenger app bandwagon. Messenger can serve as a broadcast and conversational vehicle to update consumers on your latest campaigns, products and promotions. Tools like URLgenius help you get started by letting you create a link to your brand's Messenger profile which you can use to track app opens across iOS, Android, referring URL and geography. Linking to your Messenger profile from your website and multi-channel campaigns is an easy way to increase engagement customers and prospects.

Linking to an app today including Facebook Messenger is easy with SDK-free platformss like URLgenius. As a cloud-based platform designed for marketers no technical resources are required. All you need to do is enter the link to your Messenger profile to create a special link that opens to the right screen in the messenger app (your profile) while avoiding that website login which hurts conversion.

Step-by-Step: Deep Linking to Facebook Messenger from Your Website and Other Channels

URLgenius users can create deep links to Facebook Messenger usernames by following these simple steps:Enter a Facebook Messenger URL into the box provided in this format: where 'username' is the name of your messenger profile or company etc.

URLgenius Deep Linking to Facebook Messenger App for iOS and AndroidWhere to use your URLgenius Facebook Messenger link:

URLgenius Deep Linking Metrics for Facebook Messenger

You can login to your URLgenius dashboard at any time to understand how much engagement with Messenger you are driving.

Make sure to update your profile links in the same way for Telegram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Linkedin and even Amazon and other shopping apps. We can even add your brand app to the URLgenius platform!

Sign-up and Login now and get started.

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